Psychometric Assessments

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Drug Use and Dependence Scale (DUDS-10)


Drug Use and Dependence Scale (DUDS-10)

A revised version of the Drug Use and Dependence Scale (DUDS-10) with reliability and validity considerations.

1 / 10

Do you use drugs more than you intend to?

2 / 10

Have you tried to quit drug use but failed?

3 / 10

Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms

when you stop using drugs?

4 / 10

Do you need to use more drugs over time to feel
the same effect?

5 / 10

Has drug use negatively affected your work,
studies, or relationships?

6 / 10

Have you engaged in risky behaviors (e.g.,
unsafe sex, driving under the influence) while
using drugs?

7 / 10

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about,
obtaining, or recovering from drugs?

8 / 10

Do you continue using drugs despite knowing
they harm your health?

9 / 10

Do you feel guilty or regretful after drug use?

10 / 10

Have doctors, friends, or family advised you to
cut down on drug use?

Your score is

Fear Assessment Scale (FAS-20)


Fear Assessment Scale (FAS-20)

This 20-item scale assesses fear symptoms based on DSM-5 criteria for phobias and generalized fear responses.

1 / 20

I feel intense fear in certain situations,even when there is no real danger.

2 / 20

I avoid specific places, objects, oractivities due to fear.

3 / 20

My fear interferes with my daily life.

4 / 20

I experience a racing heart when confronted with something I fear.

5 / 20

My hands tremble or sweat excessively when I am scared

6 / 20

I feel dizzy or lightheaded when faced with my fears.

7 / 20

I find it difficult to breathe properly when I am afraid.

8 / 20

experience overwhelming thoughts about danger or harm.

9 / 20

I feel an urgent need to escape from fearful situations.

10 / 20

I avoid social situations due to fear of embarrassment or judgment.

11 / 20

I feel paralyzed or frozen when facing something I fear.

12 / 20

My fear leads to nausea or stomach discomfort.

13 / 20

I feel detached from reality or my surroundings when extremely scared.

14 / 20

I have difficulty sleeping due to fearrelated thoughts.

15 / 20

My fear is stronger than what others experience in similar situations..

16 / 20

I worry excessively about experiencing fear in the future.

17 / 20

. I avoid watching or reading about certain topics because they scare me.

18 / 20

My body reacts strongly (e.g., sweating,shivering) when I am afraid.

19 / 20

I have panic attacks related to my fears.

20 / 20

My fears have lasted for six months or longer.

Your score is

psychological scale for depression


psychological scale for depression

psychological scale for depression requires careful selection of items that align with DSM-5
criteria while ensuring reliability and validity. Below is a Depression Assessment Scale (DAS-20) with 20 self-report items, a scoring method, and guidelines for reliability and validity testing.

1 / 20

I feel down, sad, or hopeless most of the time

2 / 20

I have lost interest in activities I used to enjoy.

3 / 20

I feel exhausted even without doing much

4 / 20

My sleep patterns have changed (sleeping too much or too little).

5 / 20

I have difficulty concentrating or making decisions

6 / 20

My appetite has changed significantly (eating too much or too little)

7 / 20

I feel worthless or excessively guilty

8 / 20

I experience frequent mood swings.

9 / 20

I have little to no motivation to complete daily tasks.

10 / 20

I feel restless or slowed down

11 / 20

I withdraw from friends and family.

12 / 20

I feel physically weak or fatigued without any medical reason.

13 / 20

I find it difficult to experience pleasure, even in happy situations

14 / 20

I have frequent negative thoughts about myself.

15 / 20

I feel easily irritated or frustrated.

16 / 20

I feel like life is not worth living.

17 / 20

I have difficulty expressing emotions.

18 / 20

I feel anxious or worried most of the time.

19 / 20

I feel disconnected from reality or my surroundings.

20 / 20

I experience unexplained physical pain (headaches, stomachaches, etc.).

Your score is

Anxiety Assessment Scale (AAS-20)


Anxiety Assessment Scale (AAS-20)

This 20-item scale assesses anxiety symptoms based on DSM-5 criteria.

1 / 20

I feel excessively worried or anxious about different aspects of life.

2 / 20

I have difficulty controlling my worries.

3 / 20

My heart races or I feel short of breath even without physical exertion.

4 / 20

I experience sudden feelings of panic or dread.

5 / 20

I feel restless, on edge, or unable to relax.

6 / 20

I have difficulty concentrating due to anxiety

7 / 20

My muscles feel tense or stiff most of the time

8 / 20

I feel excessively tired despite resting

9 / 20

I avoid certain situations due to fear or nervousness.

10 / 20

My mind frequently jumps to worst-case scenarios.

11 / 20

I feel irritable or easily annoyed.

12 / 20

I experience stomach discomfort, nausea, or digestive issues when anxious.

13 / 20

I have difficulty falling or staying asleep due to worry.

14 / 20

I experience sweating, trembling, or shaking when anxious.

15 / 20

I feel a sense of impending doom or danger.

16 / 20

I find it difficult to control my breathing when anxious

17 / 20

I frequently overthink small details.

18 / 20

I experience dizziness or lightheadedness due to anxiety.

19 / 20

I feel detached from reality or my surroundings during moments of anxiety.

20 / 20

I feel an overwhelming sense of nervousness in social situations.

Your score is

Memory Assessment Scale (MAS) – Clinical & Student Version


Memory Assessment Scale (MAS) – Clinical & Student Version

This scale assesses memory function in clinical patients (e.g., individuals with cognitive impairments, brain injuries, dementia) and students (e.g., academic performance, learning efficiency).

1 / 25

I can recall a short list of words immediately after hearing them.

2 / 25

I can remember a phone number for a few seconds without writing it down

3 / 25

I can repeat a short sentence verbatim rightafter hearing it.

4 / 25

I can recall recent conversations accurately.

5 / 25

I can remember names of new people I meet.

6 / 25

I can follow multi-step verbal instructions easily.

7 / 25

I can solve mental math problems without using paper.

8 / 25

I can hold and manipulate information in my mind (e.g., mentally rearranging items).

9 / 25

I can track multiple tasks at once without forgetting details

10 / 25

I can focus on a conversation while ignoring background noise.

11 / 25

I can recall important life events accurately.

12 / 25

I can remember facts and concepts from school/work over time.

13 / 25

I can recall specific details of books or movies I read years ago.

14 / 25

I can remember skills I learned years ago without difficulty.

15 / 25

I can recall past experiences when triggered by a cue

16 / 25

I can vividly recall personal experiences from my childhood.

17 / 25

I can remember where and when a specific event happened.

18 / 25

I can recall what I did last weekend without effort.

19 / 25

I can remember my first day at school/work vividly

20 / 25

I can mentally relive past experiences with rich detail.

21 / 25

I remember appointments and deadlines without reminders.

22 / 25

I remember to take medications or complete daily tasks on time.

23 / 25

I recall future plans without checking notes.

24 / 25

I remember errands or tasks planned earlier in the day.

25 / 25

I follow through with promises or commitments without forgetting.

Your score is

Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)


Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)

To assess the severity of social anxiety symptoms in individuals, including clinical patients and students.

1 / 20

I worry about embarrassing myself in front of others

2 / 20

I feel anxious when speaking in front of a group.

3 / 20

I am afraid that others will criticize me

4 / 20

I avoid situations where I might be evaluated.

5 / 20

I overthink past social interactions, fearing I made mistakes

6 / 20

I avoid starting conversations with strangers.

7 / 20

I feel uncomfortable making eye contact in social situations.

8 / 20

I skip events where I must interact with new people

9 / 20

I feel nervous eating in public.

10 / 20

I turn down invitations because of social anxiety.

11 / 20

My heart races when I have to speak in public

12 / 20

I start sweating when talking to new people.

13 / 20

I feel dizzy or lightheaded in social situations.

14 / 20

I experience shortness of breath when anxious in social settings.

15 / 20

I feel nauseous before attending a social event.

16 / 20

I worry about sounding stupid when I talk.

17 / 20

I get nervous when making phone calls.

18 / 20

I feel pressure to act "perfect" in social settings.

19 / 20

I struggle to express my thoughts when in a group.

20 / 20

I hesitate to ask for help due to fear of being judged.

Your score is

Mood Disorder Assessment Scale (MDAS) Based on DSM-5


Mood Disorder Assessment Scale (MDAS) Based on DSM-5

This scale is designed based on DSM-5 criteria for mood disorders, including Major Depressive
Disorder (MDD), Bipolar Disorder (BD), and Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD).

1 / 29

I feel depressed, sad, or hopeless most of the day.

2 / 29

I have lost interest or pleasure in activities I used to enjoy.

3 / 29

I experience significant weight loss or gain or changes in appetite.

4 / 29

I have insomnia or excessive sleep almost every day.

5 / 29

I feel restless or slowed down in my physical movements.

6 / 29

I experience fatigue or low energy nearly every day.

7 / 29

I feel worthless or excessively guilty without clear reason.

8 / 29

I have difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

9 / 29

I have thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, or attempts.

10 / 29

I experience unusually high energy or extreme elation for most of the day.

11 / 29

I feel less need for sleep but still function well

12 / 29

I talk much more than usual or feel pressure to keep talking.

13 / 29

I have racing thoughts or my mind jumps from one idea to another.

14 / 29

I feel highly distractible or unable to focus

15 / 29

I engage in risky behaviors (spending sprees, reckless driving, impulsive decisions).

16 / 29

I feel overconfident or have grand ideas about my abilities.

17 / 29

I experience irritability or agitation without reason.

18 / 29

My mood shifts rapidly between happiness and sadness.

19 / 29

I feel emotionally unstable, experiencing highs and lows frequently.

20 / 29

I find it difficult to control my emotions when upset.

21 / 29

I struggle to return to a stable mood after an emotional event.

22 / 29

I experience extreme irritability or anger outbursts

23 / 29

I feel emotionally numb or disconnected from others

24 / 29

My mood affects my relationships with family or friends.

25 / 29

I often regret decisions made during emotional highs or lows.

26 / 29

My work or daily life is negatively impacted by my emotions.

27 / 29

I avoid social situations due to mood swings.

28 / 29

I feel misunderstood because of my emotions.

29 / 29

I rely on alcohol, drugs, or other unhealthy habits to regulate my mood

Your score is

Psychoremedy Personality Test


Personality Assessment Scale (PAS)

This scale is designed to numerically diagnose personality functioning based on the DSM-5 framework.

It assesses identity, self-direction, empathy, and interpersonal functioning, assigning
a numerical diagnosis.

1 / 20

I have a stable sense of who I am

2 / 20

My self-image frequently changes.

3 / 20

I feel empty or disconnected from myself.

4 / 20

I struggle with self-worth and purpose.

5 / 20

My emotions strongly influence how I see myself.

6 / 20

I set long-term goals and work towards them consistently.

7 / 20

I often feel lost about what I want in life.

8 / 20

I make impulsive decisions without considering consequences.

9 / 20

I take responsibility for my actions and their outcomes.

10 / 20

I understand how my actions affect others.

11 / 20

I can easily recognize and respond to others' emotions.

12 / 20

I  sometimes disregard how my actions impact relationships.

13 / 20

I feel detached from others' emotions.

14 / 20

I maintain long-term relationships with mutual understanding.

15 / 20

I have frequent conflicts in personal relationships.

16 / 20

I struggle to consider other people’s perspectives.

17 / 20

I struggle to plan for the future.

18 / 20

I feel abandoned or overly dependent on others.

19 / 20

trust people easily and form strong bonds.

20 / 20

My relationships are often unstable or intense.

Your score is

PTSD Assessment Scale –(PTSD)


PTSD Assessment Scale –(PTSD)

This scale assesses intrusive symptoms, avoidance, negative alterations in cognition/mood, and
arousal/reactivity, assigning a numerical diagnosis of PTSD severity

1 / 20

I have distressing memories of the traumatic event.

2 / 20

I have nightmares or flashbacks about the trauma.

3 / 20

I feel intense emotional distress when reminded of the trauma.

4 / 20

I experience physical reactions (e.g., sweating, heart racing) when reminded of the trauma.

5 / 20

I feel like the traumatic event is happening again

6 / 20

I avoid thoughts or memories related to the trauma.

7 / 20

I avoid places, people, or activities that remind me of the trauma.

8 / 20

I find it difficult to talk about what happened.

9 / 20

I try to keep myself distracted to avoid thinking about the trauma.

10 / 20

I feel emotionally numb when thinking about the trauma

11 / 20

I struggle to remember key details of the trauma.

12 / 20

I blame myself or others for what happened.

13 / 20

I feel detached or distant from others.

14 / 20

I have persistent negative thoughts about myself or the world.

15 / 20

I find it difficult to feel positive emotions (e.g., happiness, love).

16 / 20

I feel constantly on edge or easily startled.

17 / 20

I have trouble sleeping due to distressing thoughts.

18 / 20

I have difficulty concentrating on tasks.

19 / 20

I get easily irritated or have angry outbursts.

20 / 20

I engage in risky or reckless behaviors

Your score is

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